About Us
We take this opportunity to introduce our company (Quetta Overseas Employement Promoters Agency ,LICENSE NO: HRD / 3833 / QTA.), one of the renowned leading recruitment Agencies in Pakistan. So for no complaint has been filed by one of our clients regarding our services quality and co-operation.The continued progress of (company name )International Recruiting Agency reflects the economic vitality of the Pakistan. Established in 11/02/2005 under Ministry of Labour. (Quetta Overseas Employement Promoters Agency)International Recruiting Agency is a financially strong and rapidly growing company that has helped to lead the expansion of employment of Pakistani people.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to provide Pakistan-based companies with world-class professionals as well as to open career opportunities that will upgrade competitiveness of the Pakistani workforce Our Vision is to become one of the country's leading human resource placement and consultancy firms that offers quality services uniquely designed by Pakistani. It has been more than a decade since
(Quetta Overseas Employement Promoters Agency) International Recruiting Agency began to sow its seeds of expertise as a human resource placement and consultancy firm. Today, we enjoy a bountiful harvest evidenced by our expansive portfolio of services, up-to-date technological development and continuously growing client base. However, it is not to history alone that we attribute our success, but to the foundations on which
(Quetta Overseas Employement Promoters Agency) International Recruiting Agency builds its strength as an organization.
To achieve rapid profitable growth by ensuring that our clients needs are satisfied in an efficient and cost- effective manner.